So, it’s crunch time; for all sorts of things and people.

The deadline for nominations for various offices closes today; with little activity, or so it seems.

And, equally importantly, the hour approaches when those who have not submitted recent examples of their work as a motoring journalist – in whatever is their particular field – will be disenfranchised. Put simply: No proof of work, no vote at the agm. In fact, no real need to attend.

The meeting will learn of at least three people who have felt morally obliged to resign over this issue.

As I write, 12 other members are in danger of becoming ex-members – despite the best motivating efforts of hard-working secretary Glen Smale.

Some of the other motoring groups in the country actually have systems in place that review members’ work on a rolling basis throughout the year and not just as their agm approaches. Should we look at a similar method of policing?

It is important that manufacturers’ public relations departments know that all group members are bona fide. These days, there really is no such thing as a free lunch.

That, and other burning topics can be raised under any other business at the ordinary meeting. But only by those entitled to be there. 

You have only a few hours left today to get your nominations for officers into the secretary and along with your proof of outlets. 


Reg Burnard | Acting chairman WGMW

Reg Burnard
Reg Burnard
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