Was it really 50 years ago?

Was it really 50 years ago?

As we leave 2017 behind, two cars launched 50 years ago in 1967 were unique failures – with much money spent – and little to show, says Dave Moss in the first of two pieces –

Bridges of sighs

Bridges of sighs

Arguments about paying to cross Britain’s biggest road bridges have raged for as long as the structures have existed, and nowhere more so than in the Western Group region, says Dave Moss –

All things in time

All things in time

As plans are outlined three months today to discuss a new £1 Billion bypass around Newport in South Wales, archivist Dave Moss looks back 40 years to construction of the current M4 link carved through the town which was planned an incredible 30 years earlier –

The Welsh M1 and what was Britain’s most expensive road

The Welsh M1 and what was Britain’s most expensive road

The Port Talbot bypass is 50 years old this month and is the first example in Britain of major new road construction slicing through the heart of an established, intensively built up, heavily populated area, says Dave Moss …. and it was unofficially opened by our chairman –

Seasonal musings from a Western Group fireside

As its traditional to reflect on past events at Christmas and New Year, an invitation now to return to long-past schooldays, and the carol Good King Wenceslas, sung with gusto in the school hall and lead by our own Dave Moss –

The end of roads unlimited

The end of roads unlimited

A string of serious accidents in fog brought about one of the most signficant pieces of legislation 50 years ago today, although it was supposed to last for just four months, recalls Dave Moss –